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Floriplex Nr. 1 "Entgegenkommen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Beech D1, Holly D1, Impatiens D1, Oak D1, Rock Water D1, Vervain D1, Vine D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Beech D6, Holly D6, Impatiens D6, Oak D6, Rock Water D6, Vervain D6, Vine D6, Willow D6 aa ad...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 2 "Gute Gewissen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Centaury D1, Crab Apple D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Oak D1, Pine D1, Rock Water D1, Walnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Centaury C3, Crab Apple C3, Larch C3, Mimulus C3, Oak C3, Pine...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 3 "Freundlichkeit"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Cherry Plum D1, Elm D1, Holly D1, Hornbeam D1, Impatiens D1, Oak D1, Rock Water D1, Vine D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Cherry Plum C3, Elm C3, Holly C3, Hornbeam C3, Impatiens C3, Oak C3, Rock...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 4 "Gelassenheit"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Cherry Plum D1, Hornbeam D1, Impatiens D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Rock Rose D1, Sweet Chestnut D1, White Chestnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Cherry Plum C3, Hornbeam C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 5 "Eigenes Wohlergehen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Aspen D1, Centaury D1, Chicory D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Red Cestnut D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Walnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Aspen C3, Centaury C3, Chicory C3, Mimulus C3, Pine C3, Red Cestnut C3, Star...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 6 "Urvertrauen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Aspen D1, Gorse D1, Hornbeam D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Red Chestnut D1, Rock Rose D1, Sweet Chestnut D1, Walnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Aspen C3, Gorse C3, Hornbeam C3, Larch C3, Mimulus C3, Red...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 7 "Kontaktfähigkeit"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Aspen D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Rock Water D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Water Violet D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Aspen C3, Larch C3, Mimulus C3, Pine C3, Rock Water C3, Star...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 8 "Denken"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten: (Nelson-Bach: Healing Herbs = 1:10) Chestnut Bud D1, Clematis D1, Impatiens D1, Larch D1, Scleranthus D1, White Chestnut D1, Wild Oat D1, Wild Rose D1 aa ad 10 ml Chestnut Bud C3, Clematis C3, Impatiens C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 9 "Kraft"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Elm D1, Gentian D1, Hornbeam D1, Larch D1, Mustard D1, Olive D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Wild Rose D1 aa ad 10 ml Elm C3, Gentian C3, Hornbeam C3, Larch C3, Mustard C3, Olive C3, Star of...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 10 "Neubeginn"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Chicory D1, Gorse D1, Heather D1, Honeysuckle D1, Mustard D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Sweet Chestnut D1, Walnut D1, White Chestnut D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Chicory C3, Gorse C3, Heather C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 11 "Selbstvertrauen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Centaury D1, Cerato D1, Gentian D1, Heather D1, Hornbeam D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Walnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Centaury C3, Cerato C3, Gentian C3, Heather C3, Hornbeam...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 12 "Lebensfreude"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Aspen D1, Gentian D1, Gorse D1, Holly D1, Hornbeam D1, Mustard D1, Rock Water D1, Wild Oat D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Aspen C3, Gentian C3, Gorse C3, Holly C3, Hornbeam C3, Mustard C3, Rock...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 13 "Innere Ruhe"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Cherry Plum D1, Holly D1, Impatiens D1, Mimulus D1, Rock Rose D1, Scleranthus D1, Vervain D1, White Chestnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Cherry Plum C3, Holly C3, Impatiens C3, Mimulus C3, Rock Rose C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 14 "Toleranz"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Beech D1, Cherry Plum D1, Carb Apple D1, Holly D1, Impatiens D1, Rock Rose D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Vine D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Beech C3, Cherry Plum C3, Carb Apple C3, Holly C3, Impatiens...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 15 "Versöhnlichkeit"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Beech D1, Holly D1, Oak D1, Rock Water D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Vine D1, Willow D1, aa ad 10 ml Beech C3, Holly C3, Oak C3, Rock Water C3, Star of Bethlehem C3, Vine C3, Willow C3, aa ad 5 ml...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 16 "Schicksal"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Beech D1, Gentian D1, Gorse D1, Holly D1, Hornbeam D1, Mustard D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Wild Oat D1, Walnut D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Beech C3, Gentian C3, Gorse C3, Holly C3, Hornbeam C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 17 "Lebenssinn"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Cerato D1, Larch D1, Pine D1, Scleranthus D1, Walnut D1, Wild Oat D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Cerato C3, Larch C3, Pine C3, Scleranthus C3, Walnut C3, Wild Oat C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 18 "Loslassen"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Chicory D1, Crab Apple D1, Oak D1, Pine D1, Rock Water D1, Vervain D1, Vine D1, White Cestnut D1 aa ad 10 ml Chicory C3, Crab Apple C3, Oak C3, Pine C3, Rock Water C3, Vervain C3, Vine C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 19 "Mut"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Aspen D1, Cherry Plum D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Red Chestnut D1, Rock Rose D1, Star of Bethlehem D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Aspen C3, Cherry Plum C3, Larch C3, Mimulus...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 20 "Gute Laune"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Chicory D1, Gentian D1, Holly D1, Hornbeam D1, Larch D1, Mimulus D1, Pine D1, Wild Oat D1, White Chestnut D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Chicory C3, Gentian C3, Holly C3, Hornbeam C3, Larch C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Floriplex Nr. 21 "Liebe"
20 ml Potenzakkord enthalten Healing Herbs: Agrimony D1, Chicory D1, Heather D1, Holly D1, Honeysuckle D1, Larch D1, Star of Bethlehem D1, Walnut D1, Water Violet D1, Willow D1 aa ad 10 ml Agrimony C3, Chicory C3, Heather C3, Holly C3,...
Inhalt 20 Milliliter (0,85 € * / 1 Milliliter)
16,95 € *
Dr. Blome Spray 30ml Floriplex Nr. 1 Dr. Blome Spray Floriplex Nr. 4 Floriplex Nr. 7 Floriplex Nr. 13 Innere Dr. Blomes Gesichts- und Floriplex Nr. 8 Denken Floriplex Nr. 11 Floriplex Nr. 6 MITHRAS-HEILSALBE 20 g Kolloidales Silber 500 ml MITHRAS Dr. Blome Spray 20ml Floriplex Nr. 2 Gute MITHRAS Dr. Blome Spray MITHRAS Floriplex Testsatz - nur Floriplex Nr. 5 Eigenes
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